Cee Metoyer
The artist currently goes by Cee but their full name is Chase Metoyer, they're 22 years old and were raised in Los Angeles, California. They have been an active painter and drawing since they were 11 years old and just recently started working digitally at the age of 17. Cee has graduated from Sonoma State University with a Graduates degree in Studio Arts with a minor in Women's and Gender Studies. In 2019 they received the MLK-Saul Morrison Award and was a participant in the True Red exhibition in August 2023. Currently living in their home city Los Angeles.
Artist Statement
When thinking about the theme "Wytches' ' the first thing that came to mind was the word whimsical, and that's something that I want to present across all of my artwork. Usually the term wytches or witches tend to receive this negative narrative that they're cynical, deceiving or “doing the devils” in some aspect but I find witches to be very fascinating and beautiful. “My and Chains My Roots” is tied with the narrative of witches being the wise woman and the natural healers of the world seeing in the painting that the woman is covered in vines and making a white flowers bloom around her. “A Gift For You” is tied to how witches can call upon spirits to help bring about change.
“My Chains and My Roots”, 2023, Cee Metoyer
USD 6660
inquire to purchase: AL@dorado806.com