Tae Im Kang

Currently a Los Angeles based artist. Primarily working with oil on canvas, my work explores themes of unlearning patriarchal standards and reconciling with the inner child. Creating surreal juxtapositions of the coquette yet violently dauntless women, I use the female form as a canvas for deeper narratives and messages about womanhood, identity, and reclaiming femininity. Moreover, with the incorporation of elements deriving from my Korean heritage, I aim to widen the perspective of art through the lens of an Korean American woman.


Artist Statement

My pieces relate to matrimony, womanhood, and matrilineage. The way that being a mother and a daughter continues on to generation and how things from the mother passes on to numerous generations of daughter. Moreover, my pieces have themes of unlearning the patriarch and providing a perspective through the lens of a female artist.

Eden, 2023